Compass & CAR


C.A.R. is an online tool designed to assist congregations to identify key factors in their mission and ministry, and compare their activity with a registry of other congregations.  When working with the C.A.R., congregations will see how they compare to the average congregation throughout the nation and help identify key areas where attention is needed and desired to enhance the mission and ministry of our member-congregations.


Compass is a ministry of the Mid-South District of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  It provides its member congregations and schools with the opportunity to discover and chart a new direction, or to get back on course, for their mission outreach and ministries.  Compass has several components that can be custom designed for each congregation or school’s needs.

A Closer Look at COMPASS from Mid-South District, LCMS on Vimeo.

More Information

For more information or questions contact President Paavola at the district office (901) 373-1343, Toll-free 866-373-1343 or email.